Tuesday 21 September 2010

Paolo Nutini 'New Shoes' music video analysis

This music video uses many subtle techniques to convey the upbeat feeling the song brings. It begins with the cartoon, instantly showing the audience this video or song is not going to be intense, just lighthearted and fun. Paolo himself is featured throughout the entire video, which is quite a common convention of a music video, allowing him to put his personality across and allowing the audience to familiarise themselves with him. Paolo's look is quite retro, with the leather jackets, the patterned robe and the alarm clock, giving quite a staged feel. A range of bright colours are used as well as cheesy special effects to give it a slightly comical feel; the 'Sun' is created by a flash of bright lighting and there are 'stars' dancing around his feet. Paolo uses quite exaggerated movements; rolling his eyes when he wakes up and later in the video rubbing his eyes in an obvious manner. This shows the audience, like the cartoon, that the video and the music is not to be taken seriously; its purely for entertainment. The camera movements are also very swift, with almost a spinning quality that takes us through Paolo's day and just overall gives of an easy feeling for the audience.

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