Thursday 2 September 2010

(Start of A2) Johnny Cash - 'Hurt'.

In class, we viewed the music video of 'Hurt' my Johnny Cash, originally by Nine Inch Nails. Whilst Nine Inch Nail's version is a typical rock theme, with the dark lighting and intense tone, Johnny Cash's cover reflects, in a lighthearted way (making it more sad), over his life and the mistakes he had made. It was shot in his house, which is a convient way to portray a realistic image of his life. His wife is also featured in the video, although she wasn't supposed to be; showing again a realistic and raw insight to Cash's emotions.

The theme relates to his innate feelings of people and mortality. Cash was a christian, despite leading a troubled life and claiming to be 'the biggest sinner of all'. The video gives us a genuine insight to his life, for example the Cumbria record being smashed; a convenient use of mis-en-scene to represent the way Cash felt invisible by them. He looks to be in quite ill health during the video, however people say that between shoots he was lively. Some claim this is a premonition, which furthermore relates to his deep beliefs and sad tone.

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