Sunday 19 September 2010

Comparison of CD covers - Fightstar & Busted

By looking at the Busted CD covers one can assume the they are appealing to a young demographic. The colours are brash and primary and the logo tends to be printed in a simplistic style. The use of colour and graphics gives the band a less serious, animated feel. Fans will be able to instantly familiarise themselves with the band when they see the front covers, helped by the fact the band members are shown on the album, promoting their celebrity status. The overall impression i receive from these album covers is that the band doesn't want to be taken seriously; there isn't any depth or suggesting undertones to the covers, much unlike the Fightstar covers.

Fighstar use their album covers as a way to reveal their sophistication and seriousness about their music. The images are thought-provoking and surreal; many of them reminding of Banksy's art. The colours, unlike Busted, are contrasting, artistic and incorporates lots of shading, giving an edgy and engaging feel. The demographic for this music is most likely alternative, serious about music and mature, feeling their lifestyle relates a lot to the music they listen to, perhaps being able to relate to some of the hidden undertones and suggested meanings of the album covers, having listened to Fightstar. However, with the Busted album covers, one can immediately tell which genre they are and know their lyrics are most likely lighthearted and fun, but at the same time meaningless.

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