Sunday 18 April 2010

Update on filming

Basically, we have done a lot of editing but had to comprimise on a lot of it due to the lack of time, mainly because one of our group members (Bex) has been off school a lot recently, due to a number of reasons. She out of me and natalie is the one better using the editing suite, so we have had to rush quite a bit. Im quite dissapointed the film hasnt reached my expectations, and am annoyed that it was left so late. It just seemed to be problem after problem; we took 2 days trying to figure out how to actually upload the footage onto the software. Eventually we did, but apart from an ICT specialist at our school, we had no help with it. So that is probably why it took so long. Unlike Bex at her previous 6th form college, i have never been told how to use the editing suite. However, we have done our best in the time we have and the skills we have picked up, and i hope it will convey some of our original ideas. We have yet to covert it into an AV file, which we will do tommorow. A lot of the shots i am quite proud of, one being the shot of the three candles, all lit, where the camera goes in and out of focus, until they are blown out, revealing a gothic cross. We experimented a great deal with these shots, and the video does rely soley on editing for any of them to come together and make sense. Hopefully the video should be on here soon!

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