Thursday 6 January 2011

Banksy - Police officer inspects Dorothy.

This picture of a police officer inspecting Dorothys basket is easy to relate to our planned interpreation of Alice. The Wizard of Oz is another famous fantasy tale, that seems so farfetched from reality. This brings us to our first point; it shows a mix of seemingly innocent fantasy being combined with a more brutal figure of the real world, that usually deals with the seedy underbelly of society. The fact that he is inspecting her basket, implies the idea of a lack of trust, even in the most unexpected of people. This blends in with our ideas of how we want to inspect and take apart the themes from Alice in Wonderland to uncover the true forms behind the symbolism.

From our point of view this image is either portraying the police officer as mistakingly innterogative towards a misdirected persona, or that he is rightfully suspicious of Dorothy, implying she is scheming and vindictive in the same way as we want our alternate version of Alice to be.

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