Thursday 10 February 2011

Analysis of Magazine advert Warpaint - 'The Fool'.

Warpaint is an experimental all-girl art rock group from Los Angeles formed in 2004 and I feel the magazine advert for their album 'The Fool' represents what they are about. The main feature of the advert is a large photo of the four girls. The outfits they are wearing represent quite an alternative almost 'shabby-chic' look and the fact that none of them are smiling suggests the band are serious about the music they make. As opposed to the High Violet advert, the writing is basic and fairly minimal, with no consistent use of colour or structure. Depsite the album not conforming to what themes and ideas we intend to incorporate into our magazine advert, it does represent exactly what the band is about. By featuring the large photo of the girls we can see that the band perhaps wants their audience to recognise the band consists of girls, maybe being an attempt to prove that girls can produce rock music, challenging the stereotyped rock bands such as Guns 'n' Roses and Metallica, which mainly feature male members. In relation to our promotional package, I feel that by using an existing theme (Alice in Wonderland) we have portrayed the surrealist vibe that comes with dubstep music. By twisting some of Alice In Wonderland's themes, we have intended to imply the rock genre, somewhat rebelling against the famous ideas and associations with Alice In Wonderland.

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