Wednesday 20 January 2010

Preliminary Task

We had a limited amount of time to actually film this piece, so it was made in a rush. We took a long time thinking of an idea to use in the task, even though it was to show how well we use the camera. Anyway, we filmed all of the task within the 6th form block. We took the idea of a sort of psychic medium which had a visit from someone carrying a piece of paper with a mysterious symbol drawn on it. We did quite a few over-the-shoulder shots aswell as a close-up of the handle on the door. We used Bex's hands, who played the 'psychic', instead of showing her face to help add some mystery to her character. As it was only Bex who had previously been able to use the editing software, Me, Adam and Natalie learnt a lot by experimenting in the editing suite, aswell as observing Bex use it. We have learnt from our mistakes, to manage the timing well and to be experimental with the use of camera shots and editing to create a better piece of film.

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